Are there book clubs at the library?

Yes. Check when and where our book clubs meet, or enquire at your closest library branch.

Are there printing and photocopying facilities in the Hive?

No, these facilities are within the main library spaces at Logan Central and Logan West.
Please see Printing, Scanning and Copying for more details.

Are there public computers available in the Hives?

The Hive coworking spaces are flexible, multi-use spaces. Users should bring their own equipment, including laptops as required.

In addition, two PCs are available in the Creative Lab at Logan West.

Are TumbleBook eBooks downloaded?

All content is streamed, not downloaded, so it never takes up space.

Are you having difficulty getting to the library?

We offer a free home delivery service for members who because of illness or disability, cannot travel to a library. To discuss eligibility phone 3412 4147 or visit the Home Library Services page for more information.

Can Freegal music be accessed from mobile devices?

Yes. Freegal has developed a mobile App that is compatiable with iOS and Android devices.

Can I access Ancestry at home?

No. The Ancestry Library is only accessible free of charge in any Logan City Council Library.

Can I access Find My Past at home?

No. FindMyPast is only accessible free of charge in any Logan City Council Library.

Can I add another library to the BorrowBox app?

No. The BorrowBox app only accepts one library at a time.

Can I add money to my library account online?

Yes, log on to WebPrint and click add value to add funds.

Can I book the Hive?

Unfortunately it is not possible to book the Hive. This is to ensure the Hive space is available to the most amount of people.

Can I borrow ebooks on my no internet membership card?

Yes. The no internet membership applies only to using the Public Internet Computers and WIFI at your local library.

Can I bring food into the Hive?

Yes, you may bring food into Hive coworking spaces. However, you are responsible for ensuring the space is clean when you leave. Please also be respectful to others in the choice of food and drink that you consume in the space.

Can I bring my children into the Hive?

The Hive coworking spaces have been designed for business purposes. If you need a working space where you may bring your child, you are most welcome to use the main library space.

Can I bring my own equipment into the Hive?

Yes! Hive users are encouraged to bring their own laptop and mobile devices. However, all personal equipment must be removed at the end of the day as there are no storage facilities.

Users should also be aware that the Hives are a public space and they are responsible for the security of their belongings. See Conditions of Use for more information.