Top Questions

We offer you help with general literacy including reading, writing and basic numeracy.

Help is available to native English speakers and individuals from non-English speaking backgrounds.

Our trained volunteer literacy tutors plan sessions for each individual client’s needs. The sessions may, for example, aim to assist clients to:

  • communicate both orally and in writing with greater fluency and accuracy
  • develop strategies to improve reading and listening comprehension
  • improve numeracy skills for work or everyday life
  • learn interview skills and/or skills to retain a job
  • read web pages to access work
  • read to their children
  • gain a driver’s licence
  • prepare for the Australian citizenship test

For more information contact your local library or the Outreach Librarian on 3412 4459.

Yes. If the item is not in our catalogue you can suggest it for purchase using our Suggest for Purchase form. If it is an older title you can request an interlibrary loan.

We deliver many services and programs with the help of volunteers. Talk to us about your interest in volunteering at one of our libraries.

Council has a range of volunteering opportunities available.


No. The computers are free to use, though printing does attract a charge.

No JP services will not be available at Logan Libraries until further notice. Use this search to find justices of the peace in your community.

You can see a list of titles you have asked the library to purchase. Have your library card handy to log into your My Account area then click on the Requests tile.