TumbleBook Library

A collection of animated talking books, read-alongs, eBooks, and graphic novels, as well as fun puzzles and games.


  • Thousands of titles, including TumbleBooks, Chapter Books, non-fiction books, and Graphic Novels.
  • TumbleBooks are existing picture books with added animation, sound, music and narration. This results in an electronic picture book which you can read, or have read to you.
  • Story Books are animated, talking picture books.
  • Chapter Books/Read-Alongs are early chapter books for older elementary readers. While there are no animations, the ebooks are narrated. You can also change the colours of the background and text, as well as the font style, size, and line spacing.
  • Puzzles & Games come with each book and reinforce concepts from the books. This makes for a fun and educational learning experience.
  • Non-Fiction contains titles in subjects like health, science, astronomy, biology, and nature.
  • Narration and text are highlighted as they are being read.
  • No checkout restrictions or downloads, books are always available online.

  • Connect with TumbleBooks.
  • Enter your library card number and PIN/Password when prompted.
  • Choose from a category along the top or browse from the reading lists.

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