Join Dr Karen Thurecht as she shares insights into her latest book in the Dr Hamish Hart mystery series. Plantation Murders is set in 1885. A South Sea Island labourer, Kaelo, is the primary suspect in the murder of a Logan sugar plantation manager. The citizens of Brisbane are angry. None want to know when Dr Hamish Hart discovers that Kaelo could not have been responsible for the manager’s death.

Our Local Heritage Specialist will join Karen to talk about sugar plantations and mills in the Logan region in the 1870s and 1880s. If you love local history and murder mysteries, then come along! This is a special National Heritage Month event.

This event has in-person (at Beenleigh Library) and online event options available.

If you register for the online event, you will receive your booking link the day prior to this event.

Not a library member? If you are a Logan resident, join online now.

We ask you to please stay at home on the day of the event/session if you are unwell.

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