So, you want to write a story? But the page is blank. Where do you start? How do you finish? Let author Samantha Wheeler help you plan and write your story. Learn how to make your story start with a boom, race across the page and comes to a satisfying end. Become the champion of storytelling in one short workshop that is sure to blow your readers (and your teachers) away.
For children aged 8+. Bookings required.

Not a library member? If you are a Logan resident, join online now.

We ask you to please stay at home on the day of the event/session if you are unwell.

Children to be accompanied by a parent and/or carer.

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Location Start Finish Subtitle
Logan North Library 14/09/2024 10:00am 14/09/2024 11:30am Book online or phone Logan North Library on 3541 6100 Book Now