Also check out the Current What's On Booklet
Writing can be a lonely pursuit. Why not join other Logan writers to focus on writing? This is a “sit down and write” group, which will leave you with a… Read more
So, you want to write a story? But the page is blank. Where do you start? How do you finish? Let author Samantha Wheeler help you plan and write your… Read more
Take the mic and get your fingers clicking at Kingston Butter Factory! Perform your poetry, be part of a masterclass or join the audience at the Logan Heat of the… Read more
Brush up on your slam skills at this workshop before taking the Butterbox Theatre stage tonight. Join spoken word artist, Angela Peita, for some tips and tricks to get you… Read more
Get your fingers clicking and join in the fun at the Logan Heat of the Australian Poetry Slam 2024. Spoken word artist and poet Angela Pieta will be the MC… Read more
Think you've got what it takes to become Australia's next poetry slam champion? Step onto the Butterbox Theatre stage at Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct! All you need is an… Read more
Have you always thought about trying your hand at some creative writing? In this workshop, we’ll introduce you to the art and craft of working with words. You will be… Read more
Come along to this practical hands-on writing workshop. Learn why own-voices representation is an important skill for writers. You will find out how to write authentic neurodivergent characters.For adults. Bookings… Read more
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Current What's On Booklet