Want to meet new people in your community? Make new friends, have a chat and join in craft, puzzles, games and mindful activities. There's something for you to enjoy every week. FREE. For adults. No booking required.

Not a library member? If you are a Logan resident, join online now.

We ask you to please stay at home on the day of the event/session if you are unwell.
Location Start Finish Subtitle
Beenleigh Library 16/07/2024 5:30pm 16/07/2024 7:00pm More Info
Logan North Library 18/07/2024 2:00pm 18/07/2024 3:30pm No bookings required More Info
Logan North Library 18/07/2024 2:00pm 18/07/2024 3:30pm More Info
Marsden Library 23/07/2024 10:00am 23/07/2024 11:30am More Info
Beenleigh Library 23/07/2024 5:30pm 23/07/2024 7:00pm More Info
Logan North Library 25/07/2024 2:00pm 25/07/2024 3:30pm No bookings required More Info
Logan North Library 25/07/2024 2:00pm 25/07/2024 3:30pm More Info
Marsden Library 30/07/2024 10:00am 30/07/2024 11:30am More Info
Beenleigh Library 30/07/2024 5:30pm 30/07/2024 7:00pm More Info
Logan North Library 01/08/2024 2:00pm 01/08/2024 3:30pm No bookings required More Info